Web LOL: Library Of Links Impractical Proposals


Research: Association of Independent Information Professionals

"The Association of Independent Information Professionals is an international
association of over 700 info-entrepreneurs, many of whom are among the leading names in the information profession. In addition to the research, analysis and consulting work, AIIP members often write and give presentations about the information industry and profession." The site includes a searchable membership directory. <>

Delivering Competitive Intelligence Visually by Angela Kangiser: "The breadth
of intelligence information available, client requirements, and the continued development of new technologies now require that we disseminate much of our CI information visually." <>

8 As of Information by Dennis Gaulin: "The gathering, delivery and application of quality information is essential to sound decision-making. The process is complex, and requires expert knowledge and professional competence through a number of steps to ensure quality results. The process can appear deceptively simple and is often undervalued. Gaulin's 8 A's of information is designed to provide researchers and consumers of information with a simple model that clearly identifies which steps in the research process are the domain of the professional researcher and which apply to the information user." <>