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The Arts: Conserving Les Demoiselles d'Avignon

The Museum of Modern Art's website on the conservation of "an iconic fixture in MoMA's collection since its acquisition in 1939," Picasso's Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, is a model of organization. The site is arranged in seemingly simple sections -- Introduction, History of the Painting, Analysis & Previous Treatments, Treatment 2003/2004, and Ask the Conservator (to whom you can email questions), supplemented by a glossary and a bibliography, but links in these categories deliver more specific information, and lots of before-and-after images. For example, drilling down in the Treatment 2003/2004 area leads to close-ups showing the effects of removing a coat of varnish applied to the painting in 1950. There's also a link to the MoMA conservation department homepage, with info on restoration at MoMA in general (you'll be happy to know that Jackson Pollocks are holding up nicely) and the repair of Monet's Water Lilies in particular.